But a machine that was powerful enough to accelerate particles to the grand unification energy (a quadrillion Giga electron Volts) would have to be as big as the solar system – and would be unlikely to be funded in the present economic climate.

music – 2002 – two percussion players, lots of bells and metal, 6 min





Recorded 20. nov 2006 in Kampen kirke, Oslo.
Album But a machine, released 2008 by MERE
Commissioned by TWINE (Håkon Stene, Kjell-Tore Innervik)
Score at NB noter
Version 1.3 (23. Oct 2006)

Title in Norwegian (from Stephen Hawking’s [A Brief History of Time], 1988: Men en maskin som er kraftig nok til å akselerere partikler til den store forenede energi (en billiard gigaelektronvolt), må være så stor som solsystemet – og det er usannsynlig at noe slikt blir finansiert i det nåværende økonomiske klima.